Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Counting Blessings

My Lex just reminded me of a very important life lesson today. The poor little man came home early from school because his stomach hurt. As soon as we walked in the door, he ran to the bathroom and threw up. He threw up so hard that his little cheeks looked flushed from all of the blood vessels at the surface! I cleaned him up and had him go lie down on the couch. I got him comfortable, turned on his shows, and prepared for a very long afternoon (i.e. got out extra towels, clorox wipes, lysol spray, etc). He channel surfed for a moment until he found Phineas and Ferb, his favorite Disney Channel show right now. He's recently discovered the Guide button on the remote control and realized that he can see all of the shows both upcoming and on different channels. So after a couple of episodes of Phineas and Ferb, he pulled up the guide to see what was coming on. The line-up was Phineas and Ferb for the next 6 hours! He looked over at me with his pale little face, flushed cheeks and glowing, excited eyes and said, "It must be my lucky day! I was supposed to get sick so I can watch Phineas and Ferb all day long!"

It's funny because just this morning I woke up and my first thought of the day was, "How do I get through another day?" Of course I got up and took down a little extra caffeine and grudgingly struggled through the morning because nothing was going to get put on hold or anything until I could get it together. The lesson that Lex reminded me of is that life is going to be difficult and overwhelming no matter what. I've just got to remember to see the good and happy and wonderful during the bad. Lying down, feeling bad for myself or the situation isn't going to make any of it better. In fact, I would miss A LOT of "good shows" if I did that! I am so grateful to my Lex for subtly reminding me that today is my lucky day!


Parker Family said...

Cute Lex! What a good reminder.

SANFORD said...

What a cutie! Is everything OK? I am a little worried about you now?

TrishAnderson said...

It is good to see the positive in every situation. I certainly know that is always easier said than done, but it is essential to our own growth and happiness. Hang in there. It will get better soon.

Jamie said...

I saw Lex at school last week and he came up and said Hi. Kids are the breast:), what would we do without them?!? Know that I think of you often.

swampym said...

Hope the little guy feels better... Glad he likes Phineas & Ferb!

Anonymous said...

Poor little Lex....stomach flu is the worst. Glad he found the joy in watching his favorite show all cute!

Jen Johnson said...

I come every so often to check out how your family is doing? So fun to see you are doing well. Your boys are the cutest. I love to be able to see and enjoy the kids in Primary every Sunday!

Melody said...

Love those lessons learned from our little ones!

Kelsey said...

NANCYYYY!!! {man voice} you have been slackin girl, I wanna see more pictures and stories and pictures! We all know you live an exciting life so why not share it, you have one follower!!

Basil said...


I found your blog through Google.

For about the past 75 years, my branch of the Chase family (Waterbury, CT in the early 20th c.) has published an annual family newsletter called the Chase Chatter.

Are you related to us?

Basil Carmody
9, rue de Monceau
75008 Paris

"The things that are hard to bear, are sweet to remember."

~Lucious Annaeus Seneca

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

~Mark Twain